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Как найти локацию тура , который я забронировал?

Наш веб-сайт globaltourdesk.com предоставляет вам информацию о локации или месте встречи при бронировании. Либо вы можете позвонить на нашу горячую линию для получения помощи..

Могу ли я подписаться на информационную рассылку globaltourdesk.com или отказаться от подписки? ?

Да, вы можете управлять своими подписками на globaltourdesk.com .

Какие существуют способы оплаты??

Популярные темы На данный момент вы можете осуществлять платежи по кредитным и дебетовым картам в globaltourdeskb2c.

* globaltourdeskb2c оплатить депозит за бронирование и внести остальную часть суммы позже ?

Нет. Мы не работаем с системой частичной оплаты. Мы принимаем всю сумму одним платежом.

Будет ли информация по моей карте в безопасности?globaltourdeskb2c?

Да, вся предоставляемая Вами информация конфиденциальна и не передаётся 3-им лицам

Вы принимаете все виды валют ? ?

globaltourdeskb2c принимает оплату в долларах США

Как я могу отменить бронирование globaltourdeskb2c?

Зайдите в раздел моей страницы и нажмите на политику отмены. Вы сможете воспользоваться опцией, как отменить бронирование указав причину отмены. Если есть какие-либо сборы за отмену, вам следует их оплатить.

* globaltourdeskb2c Будет ли взыматься оплата за отмену бронирования ? ?

В зависимости от тура и времени, выбранного для отмены, некоторые туры могут взымать сбор за отмену бронирования. Во избежание таких ситуаций, заранее обратите внимание на политику отмены во время бронирования.

Туристический пакет

Мы работаем с нашими партнерами, чтобы продолжать пересматривать и обновлять правила и политику путешествий для вашего отпуска в свете возможных изменений с COVID-19. Если вы хотите отменить свой отпуск, вы можете увидеть свои текущие варианты и способы отмены, перейдя в «Мои поездки». Мы рекомендуем вам перепроверить всю информацию ближе к отпуску.

Виды активности и транспорт

Многие наши туристические партнеры продолжают пересматривать и обновлять свои правила. Проверьте раздел «Мои поездки» чтобы уточнить информацию о туре и бесплатной отмене бронирования.

Как отменить бронирование тура и транспорта:

Отмените бронь с раздела «Мои Путешествия» и следуйте инструкции отмены бронирования, если Вы не видите опции отмены, это значит Ваше тур невозвратный или близок к началу активности

Можно ли забронировать тур по телефону? ?

* +971 4 565 1030Наша служба поддержки поможет Вам с любым типом бронирования

Вы взымаете оплату за бронь по телефону??

Нет. Мы не взимаем никаких комиссий за все услуги по бронированию. Наши специалисты по обслуживанию клиентов ответят на все ваши вопросы бесплатно.

Как я смогу увидеть все свои брони??

Для просмотра броней, Вы должны быть зарегистрированы на сайте globaltourdeskb2c а затем вы можете просмотреть все другие действия, такие как бронирования, политика отмены, информацию о бронировании через сообщение и почту.

Мой платеж был произведен, но мне не пришло сообщение с подтверждением. Что делать ? ?

Мы просим вас проверить свою почту и сообщения, связанное с вашим номером телефона. Если вы не получили подтверждения, отправьте нам письмо на электронную почтуno-reply@globaltourdesk.com . Мы проверим детали, решим Ваш вопрос и вернёмся с обратной связью

Получим ли мы подтверждение после бронирования? ?

Да. После успешной оплаты вы получите сообщение с подтверждением на указанный номер телефона и уведомление по электронной почте

Нужно ли нам повторно подтверждать бронирование??

Нет. Но вы можете просмотреть бронирование, войдя в личный кабинет использую свой логин и пароль (или) вы можете позвонить по нашему номеру горячей линии, чтобы узнать подробности вашего бронирования.

Как происходит процесс внесения изменений в бронирование??

Подтвержденные сообщения будут получены немедленно. Если вы хотите внести изменения в бронирование, пожалуйста, отмените текущее бронирование и внесите изменения. За отмену бронирования оплата не взымается.

Какие способы оплаты бронирования? ?

Мы принимаем оплату только в режиме онлайн

Возможно ли внести предоплату, а оставшуюся сумму оплатить позже ? ?

Нет. У нас не предусмотрена система частичной оплаты, вся сумма оплачивается онлайн сразу.

Кому мне следует позвонить, если у меня возникнут проблемы во время бронирования??

Пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами по указанным номерам+971 4 565 1030или отправьте нам письмо с подробным описанием Вашей ситуации. Мы обязательно Вам поможем по всем вопросам бронирования

Можем ли мы сделать бронь на другого человека ?

Да, вы можете сделать бронь на другого человека, и, пожалуйста, не забудьте указать их имена

Если вы используете платежный шлюз для оплаты онлайн с помощью дебетовой / кредитной карты или интернет-банкинга, то вы делаете это с консультации / одобрения владельца карты / держателя счета (если в случае, если вы сами не являетесь владельцем карты / держателем счета ). Если платеж не обработан по какой-либо причине, вы должны внести наличные на наш банковский счет в течение следующих 24 часов, в противном случае соответствующее бронирование будет отменено. Подобное бронирование будет доступно по факту наличия..
В случае отсутствия тура или сбоя системы при бронировании существует вероятность того, что бронирование не будет выполнено во время обработки платежа через кредитную / дебетовую карту или сетевой банковский счет. В подобной ситуации служба поддержки возместит полную сумму (фактическая сумма, на которую обрабатывается указанное бронирование без вычета применимых сборов) в течение 24 рабочих часов с момента обработки бронирования на ту же кредитную / дебетовую карту или сетевой банковский счет, с которого было оформлено бронирование.
Если транзакция вызывает подозрение, наша команда по управлению рисками отправит запрос на идентификацию держателя карты, прежде чем завершить процесс оплаты. Вас могут попросить предоставить подтверждение личности вместе с лицевой копией вашей кредитной карты по электронной почте для завершения транзакции. Если вы не представили указанные документы вовремя, ваша транзакция / бронирование будет немедленно отменено (для большей ясности вы можете связаться с ближайшим офисом globaltourdesk.com)
Оплата за использование платежного шлюза будет взыматься с пользователя
Если транзакция была отменена пользователем, плата за обработку по-прежнему будет взиматься с Агента / держателя карты.
Если во время стандартной процедуры бронирования, статус бронирования не был подтвержден, по техническим причинам или отмена со стороны пользователя, возврат денежных средств будет осуществлен на Дебетовую/Кредитную карту или банковский счет с которого была совершена оплата. (Плата за обработку возврата будет применяться в случае отмены бронирования у агентов, помимо сборов за отмену, указанных в бронировании) Платежный шлюз - это дополнительный способ оплаты, доступный для пользователя, и не единственный вариант для совершения платежей. Вы можете связаться с ближайшим к вам офисом globaltourdesk.com / globaltourdeskb2b.com, чтобы сделать заказ, заплатив наличными или переведя средства банковским переводом.
Для более подробной информации отправьте сообщение на booking@globaltourdesk.com / booking@globaltourdeskb2b.com
Политика отмены и возврата
У каждого поставщика услуг есть своя собственная политика возврата и отмены бронирования, в результате чего мы придерживаемся одной и той же политики. Также, возврат средств будет производиться только на первоначальный способ оплаты.
Политика и процесс возврата: Бронирования, которые применимы для возврата в соответствии с политикой отмены, указанной в каждом брони, будут осуществлены в течение 15 рабочих дней с даты запроса на отмену, после вычета оплаты за использование платёжного шлюза (плата за обработку платежа)
Правила доставки
Политика разрешения спорных вопросов
В случае возникновения каких-либо спорных вопросов агент может связаться с местным офисом по почте и сообщить подробности. globaltourdesk.com / globaltourdeskb2b.com. Со своей стороны globaltourdesk.com / globaltourdeskb2b.com постарается предоставить решение оптимальное для обоих сторон.

*Booking with Us

Is there any other option to search for a flight to a city?

Yes, you can use the airport code to search for a flight to a city. For example, If you are searching for Melbourne. You can search for it by typing MEL.

Why don't globaltourdeskb2c offer 'outbound' and 'return' flight separately for international bookings?

We don't offer a one-way flight for international booking as it will cost you more than return ware.

What different classes are there for international flights?

There are Economy, Business and First class for international flights the same as domestic flights.

What do we mean by direct and indirect flights?

Direct flight is a point-to-point flight either non-stop or has one or two transitional stops, but does not change aircraft. Direct non-stop flights are usually the shortest in length, followed by direct stop flights. At the same time, an indirect flight is the one that requires stopovers. Indirect flights include moving planes and also changing airports. You are not able to interrupt your ride in a transit area.

What do we mean by stopover?

A stopover is a stay you make in one or more cities along your journey, which requires a change of aircraft. Generally speaking, the length of a stopover is less than 48 hours.

Simplify codeshare?

Codeshare identifies the seats offered by an airline on a flight operated by a partner airline. This is an agreement for two or more carriers to use each other's aircraft.

What are transit airports?

The transit airport is one of the locations where you land for a rest on your trip. You may or may not change the aircraft at the transit terminal, but you will certainly not be allowed to leave the airport while you're in transit.

Do you need to change terminals if you are taking a connecting flight?

In most situations, you would need to move the terminals to board your connecting flight. Sometimes the airports are quite a distance from each other, and you're going to have to put aside some extra time to walk from one to the other.

Make sure to ask about your terminal as soon as you arrive, as the number of gates and terminals will change at the last moment.

Do globaltourdeskb2c offer tickets for infants on international flights?

Yes, the globaltourdeskb2c Offers you to book tickets for your babies and children. However, we have not yet booked seats for unaccompanied minors. Do keep these points in your mind while booking international flights for infants:

  • A valid passport is required for each passenger.
  • Minor must be supervised by an adult of at least 18 years of age.
  • You can book no more than one child (under 2 years) per adult. However, an adult can travel with a kid and a newborn.
  • The baby must be under 24 months of age and operating in the outbound sector to apply for an infant fare.

What is the limit for booking a seat in globaltourdeskb2c?

The limit to book a seat is 9 seats per booking.

What do you mean by e-ticket?

The e-ticket is a paperless electronic document with a unique confirmation number that conveniently removes the paper ticket inconveniences. When you reserve an e-ticket, we will give it to you within 48 hours of your booking. Only print it out and carry it to the airline counter with you, along with your passport and valid visa, when you sign in for your flight.

What points should you keep in mind while preparing for your trip?

  • Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of departure. Both passengers must have individual tickets, including children and babies.
  • You must be in existence of a valid visa for countries that do not have a visa upon entry. You may need travel insurance and a predetermined amount of foreign currency to apply for a visa in some countries.
  • Few countries permit you to have a valid transit visa even though you do not stop en route.
  • Few countries may ask you to have specific vaccination certification with you.
  • Assess the foreign currency criteria for the country you are traveling to. There is sometimes a minimum requirement, and, in most situations, one should have a credit card that can be used abroad.

May I get a special meal booked into the globaltourdeskb2c?

Go to my lounge section and click on the cancellation policy. There you can use the options on how to cancel your bookings by just clicking on the option and give a reason on why you are doing it. If there are any cancellation charges that you need to bear them.

May I book a seat number via the globaltourdeskb2c?

Please express your choice to our customer service team. We're going to email the airline directly so we can validate your desired seat.

Will the globaltourdeskb2c be able to arrange for a wheelchair?

Yes, the globaltourdeskb2c will provide you with a wheelchair request. You can request it through the globaltourdeskb2c customer service center. Some Airlines charge for the same and to be paid at the airport. Some airlines require a medical certification to be submitted prior to travel.

May I insert the number of my frequent flyer while booking through globaltourdeskb2c?

Yes, at Phase 3 of your booking, you can enter your frequent-flyer number. Please notice, though, that the accrued points on the flights you book are subject to approval from the airline. Some promotional flights are not available for frequent flyer points.

How do you know that your reservation has been booked?

An Email will be sent to you when your flight booking is confirmed.

When can your overseas booking be concluded?

Your booking will be made after you successfully complete the 4 phases of the booking process. The next move will be to keep your passport details ready as our customer service staff will contact you for this stuff.

Do you need to check the booking of your flight before you fly?

No, you don't need to check the booking of your flight once it is confirmed.

How do you get your e-ticket?

We will give your e-ticket information to the email address you sent us when you made your reservation.

Do you need to display your e-ticket confirmation email at the time of check-in counter?

Indeed, the e-ticket confirmation email must be submitted to you. Some airports do not accept admission without printing your e-ticket, so make sure to take one with you.

How much luggage can you take with yourself?

The allowance for cabin and checked luggage range from airline to airline. Some airlines have limits on the weight of their luggage, and others have a certain number of pieces allowed. Please notice that all checked-in luggage and cabin baggage are subject to baggage limits. You will often be asked to pay for any checked-in baggage that exceeds the weight allowed. Cabin baggage that reaches the weight limit is not allowed and must be checked in.

How do you cancel a booking for a flight?

You need to take this simple step to cancel your flight.

  • Choose the trip you want to postpone
  • Click the "Cancellations" link
  • Choose the passengers that you want to cancel your reservation.
  • Hit the button, "Make Cancelations."

For further steps, we will mail you about your cancellation. Every cancellation shall incur a cancellation charge, which shall be reduced at the time of the refund. Please bear in mind, though, that most foreign fares are not refunded on partially used tickets.

What are the cancellation charges?

To understand the charges applicable to your reservation, check the fare rules mentioned on the booking page as it varies on no. of factors like time of cancellation, airlines, etc.

How are you going to get your money back after cancellation?

globaltourdeskb2c would refund the money back to the wallet you used to make your booking.

How long does the refund process take?

Refund estimate will take 12 working days, and the balance will be reflected in your account within 15-20 working days based on the bank.

The airline that you booked has suspended its activities. How can you claim your refund?

You can email us at our customer support service email address provided below with your Trip ID. And we will get back to you.

What do you mean by amendment?

The amendment is a technical term to change your travel plans. You can change the date, time, or sector (or all three) of your journey 48 hours prior to departure.

How can you make changes to your flight booking?

You can contact us

And we will help you to reschedule your flight.

What is the cost of making an amendment?

All amendments are made at a fee that varies from airline to airline. In addition to this fee, the globaltourdeskb2c charges an amendment to the handling fee per passenger per sector. We will collect these charges from you when we implement adjustments to your travel plans. We will also collect the difference in fare and taxes that will apply when the amendment is made.

How are you going to get your ticket after an amendment?

Within 24 hours of receiving a transformation to the email address you used for the original booking, we will email your modified tickets.

Can you cancel your tickets after the change?

Yes, but do not suspend your globaltourdeskb2c account; call customer support, and cancel the same. If you have modified your trip with the airline or us, please cancel your trip 3 hours before the date and time of your trip.

Can globaltourdeskb2c help you with hotel bookings?

Yes, we have a range of affordable and safe hotel rooms for you. Just check out our webpage.

Can 'globaltourdeskb2c' help you to make your to-do-list on your trip?

Our customer service will be delighted to provide you with destination information on festivals, things to do, restaurants, places to visit, and more during your journey.

What are the customs regulations?

For custom regulation, check out our website.

What are the security parameters to keep in mind?

These are the few points you need to keep in mind at the security:

  • Please give enough time to go through airport security checks, as you may need to wait in line, particularly at peak hours.
  • Both electronic equipment, such as laptops and mobile/cell phones, may be vulnerable to extra screening.
  • Hold your boarding pass and passport within close proximity of the security personnel.
  • Wear shoes that can be removed and placed back on reasonably quickly.
  • Restrict the number of jewelry or other metal items you carry.
  • Remove all metal objects before going through the metal detectors.

How do I find hotels that are available for the period I want to stay?

In the search menu of globaltourdeskb2c, select the check-in and check-out date of your stay and click on the Search tab to get your hotel results.

How do I search for hotels according to price?

To search for hotels by price, enter the required details and click on the search button. To refine your search results with hotel price, simply filter by selecting price low to high or price high to low.

What's the difference between a Twin room and a Double room?

A double room has one big double bed, whereas a twin room has two single beds.

Can we get extra beds for the kids in the room?

One extra bed is available for one child at a minor additional charge. Please note that the possibility depends on the policy and the availability of each hotel. We advise you to send an email request to enquire about the extra beddings.

What does the price of a hotel include?

The price of the hotel includes all the facilities and inclusions listed in the facilities section of the hotel. You can see the extra charges listed in the Booking Policy's Hotel Policy section.

Can I request an extra bed for a third person in a double room? What will it cost?

It will depend on the policy and availability of each hotel. For more information, you can contact us by Chat on the website and WhatsApp.

Is breakfast included in the hotel booking price?

You will find all information about room facilities, breakfast and taxes in the facilities section of the hotel on our page.

How will I know that my hotel booking is confirmed?

An immediate on-screen confirmation will appear after you have completed the reservation process. It will show your reservation information as well as your reservation number. A confirmation email is also sent on the email provided by you at the time of booking. The confirmation email includes the hotel's contact information and other details of bookings.

Can I book a hotel room by call or through email?

All Hotel booking need to be done online , For any assistance, you can always communicate to get support by Chat on the website and WhatsApp during office hours or send an email to no-reply@globaltourdesk.com

I made a hotel booking but did not receive an email confirmation. What should I do?

Please double-check your email address before confirming your booking. Also, we've found that our confirmation email can end up in your spam folder For any assistance. you can contact us through Chat on our Website or Whatsapp or email at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com

How many rooms can I book in one reservation?

A total of 5 rooms can be booked in a single booking.

What are the check-in and check-out times of a hotel?

The check-in and check-out times differ for different hotels. It can be found at the bottom of the hotel's overview page in the Hotel Policies section.

How can I find out if the hotel has a shuttle service, and how do I book it?

Please check Hotel Facilities - Services. Please contact the hotel directly after your reservation has been confirmed to make arrangements. The contact information of the hotel can be found in the confirmation email.

Does a hotel allow pets?

You can contact the hotel you made the booking by the contact details shared with you via confirmation mail.

How can I cancel or change my booking?

For cancelling and changing the booking of the hotel, send us a request via email no-reply@globaltourdesk.com or call our support line number +971 4 565 1030">+971 4 565 1030.

Do you charge a cancellation fee?

The Hotel Cancellation charges will be as per the hotel policy. Cancellation policy is mentioned on the Hotel Policies section at the bottom of the overview page of the hotel.

Which mode of payment do you offer for a hotel booking?

At the moment, we only have payment online by credit or debit card for hotel booking.

How do I know that my booking has been cancelled?

You will receive an email confirmation of your cancellation after you have cancelled your reservation. If you do not receive the cancellation notification, please send an email request with your reservation details mentioned on our support page.

How will I be able to see all my Bookings

To view your bookings, you must log in with your Id & password in globaltourdeskb2c. You can then view all the other activities like bookings, cancellation policy, printouts, and booking information through message and mail.

My payment has been made, but I didn't get a confirmation message. What do I do?

We request you to check your mail and the message that is linked through your phone number. For more details you may contact our support team through Chat on our Website or Whatsapp or email at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com.

Do we get any confirmation message after the booking?

Yes. Once your payment is successful, you will receive the confirmation message via mail and the phone number you have provided.

I want to book a specific hotel but I am unable to see them in the search results. What should I do?

There are 2 reasons for your problem. The first one may be that the specified hotel that you want to book does not take any bookings now. And the other one is that due to the flexibility of your timings or dates you may not be able to book it. Please change them to see if it is acceptable to book.

Когда я бронирую тур globaltourdeskb2c,Как я могу получить свой билет? ?

Когда Вы бронируете тур с globaltourdeskb2c,письмо с подтверждением будет отправлено на ваш адрес электронной почты, который вы указали в форме бронирования. В этом письме вы получите всю необходимую информацию об экскурсии. Мы предлагаем вам распечатать этот документ и взять его с собой.

Что мне делать, если я потерял свой экскурсионный ваучер, и я не помню номера билета? ?

Вы можете обратиться в службу поддержки на сайте, написать на почту или на номер в Вотс аппеno-reply@globaltourdesk.comдля восстановления номера билеты или другой информации. Мы всегда рады Вам помочь.

Включена ли услуга трансфера в экскурсии? ?

Услуга трансфера зависит от выбранной Вами экскурсии. Обратите внимание не все туры, включают услугу трансфера.

Can I make my booking 11 months in advance?

Advance Holiday bookings are well accepted , if you are unable to find details online please contact one of our expert travel consultants via Chat on the website or WhatsApp or email at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com.

Is there a minimum age requirement for booking a holiday with globaltourdeskb2c?

Remember that many of the hotels we provide, particularly in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), require at least one member of the booking party to be over 21 years of age. If no one in your party is above the age of 21, you will be unable to check-in at the hotel when you arrive.

What documentation will I get for a holiday booking, and when can I expect it?

Once you have booked your holiday with us, you will receive a confirmation invoice within 48 hours. All documentation will be sent to you through email, so make sure your email address is correct. Please contact us if you have not received your confirmation after 48 hours of booking.
Once you complete the payment of the holiday booking, you will receive a confirmation mail to the email address you supplied to us at the time of booking.
After the confirmation of your booking, you will be generated a reference number. The reference number is important when you need to change or modify your holiday bookings.

What if my documentation needs to be amended?

All amendments are subject to availability, Please contact us via Chat on the website, WhatsApp or email at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com to notify us if you notice something that requires modification.

Can I Manage my booking online?

Any customer who has booked via our website, globaltourdeskb2c, can make a payment against their holiday online or re-send their documentation via email at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com.

How do I book Holidays, Tours, or other extras services?

globaltourdeskb2c offers a wide range of great excursions & activities available to pre-book from our website. We offer the most affordable prices on Dubai Flight bookings, Dubai Hotels bookings, Dubai holiday booking and other travel services available on our website. To take advantage of any of these great offers, please contact us via Chat on our Website, WhatsApp, or email at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com.

How do I amend my holiday?

Please contact us by Chat on our Website, WhatsApp, or email us at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com.

How do I cancel my holiday?

We request you to contact us on WhatsApp or email us at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com. We will be happy to help you.

Do I get a confirmation number for the car reservation I made online?

The car rental provider will assign a confirmation number to all online bookings of car rental services in the confirmation mail. When checking in, please bring a copy of your booking confirmation email with you.

What is the age requirement to rent a car?

The minimum age requirement to rent a car for most car rental companies is 25 years or above. If you need any assistance, you can contact us through Chat on our Website or Whatsapp or email at no-reply@globaltourdesk.com.

How do I pay for the car rental?

We accept payments online only by Credit Card and Debit card.

What do I need to pick up a car?

Take a print of the online confirmation booking sent to your email by globaltourdeskb2c. A confirmation number and a valid driver's license is required to pick up a car. The car rental provider will verify this at the time of rental when the rental agreement is submitted.

From where I have to pick up the car?

All the cars are delivered and collected to the address specified at the time of booking. Remember that cars will not be provided to any public places like metro stations, malls, etc. globaltourdeskb2c has the right to cancel the car rental booking in such cases.

Is a Deposit Required for Renting a car?

Yes, some deposit is required at the time of booking. The deposit amount varies by location. For more details, communicate with us by Chat on the website and WhatsApp.

What if I'm not able to return the car on time?

For a rental extension, the guest must notify globaltourdeskb2c in advance. An extension or grace period of up to one hour is permitted if requested in advance and at no additional cost. If the extension is longer than one hour, charges will be applied for each hour of the extension, including the one-hour grace period.

Can I drop off the car at a different location?

Yes. You can enter the different location in the box return to different location after clicking the checkbox. Our driver will pick up the car from the location which you mentioned.

What is the fuel policy for renting a car?

The car should be returned in the same manner with a full tank.

Как мне найти свой трансфер/водителя ? ?

Наш водитель или представитель будет ждать с табличкой, на которой будет указано имя пассажира. При трансфере из аэропорта в пункт назначения наш водитель будет ждать вас в зале прилета, чтобы встретить и поприветствовать вас. Для трансфера из пункта назначения в аэропорт наш водитель будет ждать у стойки регистрации или у входа

Я не могу найти своего водителя. Что мне делать? ?

В случае если Вы не нашли водителя, пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами. Так же Вы можете найти номер телефона поставщика на Вашем ваучере

Как я могу внести изменения в бронирование? ?

Вы можете отправить запрос на внесение изменений отправив нам письмо по электронной почтеno-reply@globaltourdesk.comс номером вашего бронирования, именем пассажира и необходимыми изменениями. Помните, что внесение изменений в бронирование может привести или не повлечь за собой дополнительную оплату. Перед внесением каких-либо изменений вы должны будете оплатить соответствующие сборы, если это необходимо. Вы можете изменить только время сбора. Мы не можем вносить какие-либо изменения в место подачи трансфера с номером вашего бронирования, именем пассажира и необходимыми изменениями. Помните, что внесение изменений в бронирование может привести или не повлечь за собой дополнительную оплату. Перед внесением каких-либо изменений вы должны будете оплатить соответствующие сборы, если это необходимо. Вы можете изменить только время сбора. Мы не можем вносить какие-либо изменения в место подачи трансфера

Что делать если мой рейс отменен? ?

Пожалуйста свяжитесь с поставщиком услуг по номеру телефона, указанному в ваучере если Ваш рейс отменен или позвоните в нашу службу поддержки+971 4 565 1030.

Я забыл вещи в автомобиле. Что мне следует делать ??

Если вы что-то забыли в автомобиле, обратитесь к поставщику услуг по телефону, указанному в ваучере бронирования. Вы несете полную ответственность за дополнительные расходы, которые могут возникнуть при доставке.

Отмена бронирования трансфера с globaltourdeskb2c бесплатно ?

Обратите внимание, что при отмене бронирования может взиматься штраф. Ознакомьтесь с условиями тарифа или обратитесь в службу поддержки. Отправьте нам запрос по электронной почте no-reply@globaltourdesk.com или позвоните в нашу службу поддержки +971 4 565 1030.

What Countries Require a Visa?

We advised all travellers to check visa requirements for their nationality before planning to visit another destination country, whether a visa is required or not. You can contact us for visa requirement assistance to know the requirement of visas for your travel.

What Is the Visa Validity and Maximum Duration of Stay?

The validity of a visa is the effective date of the visa. For example, if a visa is valid for 90 days for UAE, you have to enter UAE before 90 days expires. The Maximum Stay is the time period allowed to stay in the country. For UAE, the default maximum stay in UAE is 30 days, meaning that you will be allowed to stay for 30 days in UAE, even if your visa validity is 90 days. Please note that various countries have different visa validity and maximum stay requirements and interpretations.

What can I expect to receive as my final document for cruise booking with globaltourdeskb2c?

A cruise booking confirmation mail will be sent to you via your provided email 2-3 weeks prior to departure. Please note that cruise tickets are not released on the cruise line before each guest has completed the pre-cruise registration. Pre-cruise registration can usually be completed once the final payment has been made.

What should I pack?

We recommend you to pack comfort dresses like sportswear, shorts, slacks, sundresses and so on. Comfortable walking shoes for visiting ashore and sandals or rubber-soled shoes for deck strolling are recommended. Most ships are currently offering dress codes for different restaurants, which range from informal to smart casual to formal. In general, the proposed dress code in the main dining halls of the ships is sports shirts and slacks for men and sundresses for women. Jackets and ties for men and cocktail dresses would be appropriate for women in specialty restaurants and on luxury cruise ships. For the dressiest occasions, dark suits and ties are all right. Tuxedos are available and can be rented if you prefer.

Can I make reservations for the restaurant and onboard in advance?

Yes. Many cruise lines offer a range of dining options, including specialty restaurants. As the restaurants are usually smaller, reservations must be made in advance during the pre-cruise registration process. Reservations for the Spa, onboard activities and entertainment venues may also be made in advance.

How do transfers work?

Most cruise lines include transfers onboarding/disembarkation day between the pier if you have purchased a sea package. Prepaid transfers from most cruise lines can be purchased separately. If separate transfers have been purchased, cruise information shall be provided to a cruise line with final payment.

Can I use electronic equipment?

The majority of ships have 110-volt outlets in the staterooms; however, nearly all ships now have hair dryers in the cabins. While travelling, an adapter is usually necessary for most electronic devices. Some ships offer both 110 and 220-volt outlets.

Is there laundry services aboard?

Almost every cruise ship has laundry facilities, and many provide services for dry cleaning. There is an extra charge for professional washing and dry cleaning. Also, many ships provide self-service launderettes.

Are medical services available onboard?

Almost every cruise ship has a fully-equipped medical facility and staff to handle almost any emergency. Please note that charges for on-board medical services are usually incurred.

Do cruise lines offer shore excursions?

Shore excursions can be booked in advance with the globaltourdeskb2c. Shore excursions will help you make the most of your time in port and provide you with the best travel and guide services.

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